
Your source for Information

At EL Wallace Real Estate, we have more than 20 years experience selling real estate in the Chicagoland area of Illinois to a variety of customers.     

We are an established family business designed to suit your individual needs. This family has built a tradition of excellence and reliability for our friends.

We are independently owned and have a strong conviction to listen to you first before we begin looking for your home.  Since we have a wide variety of properties to deal with, we can tailor our search to what you want and can afford.  Looking for investment properties, there are repossessed homes as well.

Because we concentrate on all types of properties in the Chicago area, we can work to find you the right property.

We have sold properties throughout Chicago. We do not list properties and wait for them to sell themselves. At EL Wallace, we sell properties. Our business is customer satisfaction. Customer satisfaction brings new friends and keeps us in business for years to come.

We respond to the needs of a friend and find them a home. When they do decide to move again, you can bet they will call their friends at EL Wallace Real Estate.  


EL Wallace Real Estate 

Melrose Park, Illinois  


At present, we are licensed to sell Real Estate exclusively in the state of Illinois.
