If you have a good job and decent credit but little or no down payment, relax, it is not as bad as you think. There are programs that can actually get you into a home sometimes for less than you are paying in rent now.
Need a mortgage? We can put you in touch with several mortgage brokers. A very important part of your home journey is to get a broker you can depend on, so some research up front will help you. Be very comfortable with whatever mortgage broker you deal with, they will be working hard for you.
In many cases, the seller wants to see the pre-approval before showing the home. It also helps you to understand how much a home will cost you.
Take some time to tell us where in Illinois you want to live, and anything else that is important for you to have in your next home
If you are already pre-approved great!! Now we need to find out what you are looking for and your price range. Let's find you a home in Illinois.
Give us some information below and see how we can help you.